Thursday, January 29, 2015


Colic – My son had colic for almost 6 months and it was horrible for everyone. I felt like a failure as a mother because I thought I was doing something wrong. My son was in and out of the emergency room because I was convinced there was something else wrong with him… nothing beside an upset tummy. There was one time that I had a panic attack because he cried for 3 hours straight and no one could get him to stop. From what I have gathered about colic, it sounds like it is an under developed digestive system. So babies with colic can’t break down food as easily and gas bubbles get trapped which causes pain. One thing that I found that really worked well was, Gripe Water, it instantly soothes upset tummies. It really does wonders! I heard it also works well for Acid Reflux. Making your own gripe water is a really great idea and its fun. Here is where I learned how to make my own from.

“My Merry Messy Life”
Author Sara

                1 bag chamomile tea
                1 bag Lemon Ginger Tea (where to buy)
                1 tsp. Fennel Seed (where to buy)
                1 tsp. Dill Weed (where to buy)
                1 tsp. raw cane sugar (where to buy)
                1 cup of water

1.              Pour hot water over all ingredients and steep for about 10 minutes, or until it starts to get strong. If you want to make more, add 2 or 3 cups of water and steep for 20 to 30 minutes.
2.              Store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks (label your jar)
DOSAGE – 1 teaspoon or 5 ml

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