First, he grabs flour from the pantry and dumps it in the shower... He actually then peed in a Tupperware and poured it on top of the flour too.
After I got him cleaned and changed he goes to the pantry and grabs more flour and dumped in it the family room (luckily I'm remodeling this room and ripping out the carpet).
He is so proud of what he's done.
THEN he takes whats left of the flour and turns the shower on and fill the bag up with water!
I rinsed him off and changed his shirt and then he goes for the pantry again to get flour, but I caught him red handed!
So he went through like 5 outfits and I finally changed the handle on the pantry so he can't get in anymore. What a day! #momlife
That's stinkin hilarious! Hahah